Detailed itinerary of our small group expedition to Antarctica
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Imagine standing next to penguin rookeries with day old chicks or riding in zodiacs near whales and icebergs; or from the comfort of your ship looking out 360 degrees and seeing ice and glaciers everywhere you look. The landscape and wildlife are inspiring and the trip is truly unforgettable. Join us on this small group 13 day trip to Antarctica – the itinerary has been designed to give you the best experience for your travel.

December 30, 2018 – January 11, 2019

Santiago, Chile

Day 1 & 2 (Dec 30 & 31)

International flights to Chile. Depart U.S. or home country in transit to Santiago,Chile, arrive Dec 31st. Transfer to the city for an overnight in Santiago. This night is not part of the trip but we do recommend this additional night to avoid any potential travel delays in reaching your destination. We are happy to arrange transfers and accommodations have been reserved for our group. Transfers and accommodation are in addition to the trip cost for this optional evening. You are on your own and at your leisure, but we will arrange an informal New Year’s evening celebration meet and greet for our group to get acquainted.

Day 3 (Jan 1st)

Punta Arenas, Chile The trip “officially” begins today. We transfer together as a group from our hotel in Santiago to the airport to make our flight to Punta Arenas. If you are skipping the overnight in Santiago, please make sure that you are in Punta Arenas no later then 3:00pm on this day. Overnight in Punta Arenas at the four-star Cabo de Hornos hotel included. After getting settled in your rooms, we will meet for a gear review and for a trip meeting at 5:00pm followed by a delightful dinner at the famous local restaurant where polar explorers have frequented. After dinner, peruse Punta Arenas and return to our rooms to rest for next day departure. Dinner, accommodation and breakfast the following morning are included.

Punta Arenas, Chile
King George Island

Day 4 (Jan 2nd )

Antarctic Flight & Embarkation Day A smooth two-hour flight takes you efficiently from Punta Arenas to King George Island, in the South Shetland Islands. Your Antarctic adventure begins as you exit the airplane and the clear Antarctic air fills your lungs for the first time. Explore the area surrounding Chile’s Frei Station and Russia’s Bellingshausen station, before boarding a Zodiac to embark your expedition vessel.

Days 5-10 (Jan 3-8)

Exploring Antarctica Sail along ice-filled fjords and among spectacular icebergs, while enjoying the company of sea birds, penguins, seals and whales. Visit the South Shetland Islands and the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, disembarking by Zodiac each day. In small groups, hike to extraordinary sites and take part in exploratory Zodiac excursions to otherwise inaccessible areas. Expert polar guides share their passion for Antarctica through an engaging program of illustrated presentations, and lead you ashore to interpret the wildlife, the history and the many wonders of the Antarctic environment. From the glass-enclosed lounge, enjoy spectacular views while sharing your daily adventures with fellow guests over a drink. The goal of the expedition is to sail far south in the attempt of reaching the Polar Circle. The Expedition Team sets the specific voyage route based on local conditions, and takes advantage of the ever-changing opportunities provided by Nature. Flexibility will be the key to a successful voyage. Your expedition may include visits to sites such as Port Lockroy, Petermann Island, Paradise Bay, the Lemaire Channel, Prospect Point or other magnificent places. Each voyage is unique and crafted to provide the best possible overview of the varied Antarctic environment. A spiritual journey sure to rank amongst the best!

Cruise Antarctica
Exploring Punta Arenas

Day 10 (Jan 9)

King George Island & Antarctic Flight We return to King George Island, bid farewell to our ship and board our plane for the return flight to Punta Arenas. We transfer to the Cabo De Hornos hotel and spend the remainder of the day exploring Punta Arenas or at your leisure. It is advisable to not book flights until Jan 10th to allow for weather delays returning from Antarctica to Chile.

Day 11 (Jan 10)

Flights Home Transfer to the airport for our international return flights home. Arrive home Jan 11th.

Join our next expedition! Contact Jay Bransfield to request a travel brochure and pricing information for Antarctic Expedition – January 2019.

*Secure your reservation with an initial deposit now.